Robin Hood meets Game of Thrones

The beloved rogue of Sherwood Forest triumphs over the ruthless Prince John and takes the throne – only to become a tyrant himself.
In a saga spanning a half-century, this action packed and erotic Medieval thriller vividly explores the seductive undertow of power as it transforms a legendary hero into a despot.
Maid Marian, Friar Tuck, Little John, King Richard and the legend’s other characters are complex figures alive with raw passions, dark impulses, ribald humor and diverse genders.

“Thought-provoking. A real page-turner.”
Bob White, Chairman - Worldwide Robin Hood Society
“As its bold title suggests, King Robin by R.A. Moss, presents a surprisingly fresh approach to the traditional Robin Hood story. Using comparatively short chapters, the tale unfolds like a film story-board, making it a real page-turner. It’s a style that could easily adapt into a script for an historical drama in the vein of the popular “Game of Thrones” saga, which probably explains why the book has already generated interest in its cinematic rights potential.”
Bob White, Chairman - Worldwide Robin Hood Society

“Smart. Brisk. A parable for our dystopian times.”
Thelma T. Reyna Ph.D.- Author and editor
“R. A. Moss' King Robin—in a smart, brisk alternate reality—refashions the beloved Robin Hood legend of medieval times: What if the bandit had become king of England? Moss convincingly creates a warrior of high ideals and staunch integrity who rises to the highest levels of power, then struggles to maintain his humanity and honor. We realize this legend, in Moss' hands, is now a parable for our dystopian times: false promises, narcissist rulers, subjugated workers, rampant inequalities, hunger, illness, greed, and deception. Yet we're hooked and engaged because Moss masterfully weaves it all together.”
Thelma T. Reyna, Ph D - Award-winning author and editor

“A sexy retelling of the
Robin Hood legend.”
Rebecca Coffey
Author and journalist (Forbes, NPR)
"Passion takes many forms in this sexy retelling of the Robin Hood legend."
Rebecca Coffey
Author and journalist (Forbes, NPR)

“A timeless dilemma
in a fascinating book.”
John Thorndkike
Author of
A Hundred Fires in Cuba
This richly-detailed novel bends history, but only slightly. King Robin is a lively and nuanced portrait of 12th century English life, and of the moral struggles of a man determined to help the poor, even as he’s corrupted by his drive to remain the monarch. It’s a timeless dilemma in a fascinating book.
John Thorndike
Author of A Hundred Fires in Cuba

“Deep characters.
Surprising plot twists.”
Daniel Holland
“An inventive reinterpretation of the classic myth, with a deeper exploration of character, surprising plot twists, and a refreshingly realistic tone. Loved the tense action and the progressive ending as well.”
Daniel Holland
Brazen Images Productions

“Gusto. Humor. Eros.”
Ralph Keyes - Author of The Post-Truth Era
"The story of Robin Hood is so well known that retelling this saga in an expanded version with a contemporary sensibility would challenge any author. R.A. Moss has met that challenge and more, sharing his updated take on Robin's story with gusto, humor, and eros. The author's well-researched awareness of period detail gives this engaging book an authentic flavor of life in its time. This flavor and Moss's storytelling ability makes King Robin not just a great read but one that will leave readers feeling they've learned something."
Ralph Keyes - Author of The Post-Truth Era
Roll over the images below to read the full review.
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Was Robin Hood real?
Watch this video to learn what scholars say about the legendary rogue of Sherwood Forrest.
Maid Marian: English literature’s first feminist
Unlike many female characters from the era, Marian was no damsel in distress. Watch now.
“Gusto. Humor. Eros.”
Ralph Keyes
Author of The Post-Truth Era
A real page-turner.”
Bob White, Chairman
Worldwide Robin Hood Society
“A sexy retelling of the
Robin Hood legend.”
Rebecca Coffey
Author and journalist
(Forbes, NPR )
“Deep characters.
Surprising plot twists.”
Daniel Holland